Site Map | Podcast Episodes
- Wisdom for Work #28 - Working With Intuition - with Miriam Meima
- Wisdom for Work #27 - Parsing Emotional Data - with Miriam Meima
- Wisdom for Work #26 - Staying Grounded Throughout the Work Day - with Miriam Meima
- Extras #26 - Moving From Fragility to Robustness - with Kelly Wendorf
- #175 - Beyond the Self: Embracing Interconnectedness - with Luis Duarte
- Extras #25 - The Power of Horses for Coach Development
- #174 - Leading With Love & Intention - with Dr. Nicole Marie Ortiz
- Wisdom for Work #25 - The Art of Generative Listening - with Miriam Meima
- #173 - Celebrating Difference in Your Company - with Rob Castaneda
- Wisdom for Work #24 - Unlocking Imposter Syndrome - with Miriam Meima
- #172 - Finding Closure After Shutting Down the Business - with João Barros
- Wisdom for Work #23 - Cultivating Conditions of Courage
- #171 - The Great Midlife Edit - with Chip Conley
- Wisdom for Work #22 - Owning Your Strengths - with Miriam Meima
- Extras #24 - Building High-Performing Teams Through Coaching - with Steph Yiu
- Wisdom for Work #21 - Engaging Your Team to Bring Out Their Best - with Team Reboot
- Wisdom for Work #20 - The Art of Firing Well - with Heather Jassy & Ali Schultz
- #170 - The Brave Leader's Path: Fostering Inclusivity & Courageous Decision-Making - with David McQueen
- Extras #23 - Unleashing Potential: Insights on Leadership, Self-Discovery, & Overcoming Fear - with Noah Kagan
- Wisdom for Work #19 - Strategic Delegation: Building Trust & Setting Clear Expectations
- #169 - Rupture + Repair = Resilience in Co-founder Relationships - with Lizzy Karp, Gill Damborg & Emma Devin
- Episode 2 - Connecting with Ancestors & Embracing the Influence of Place
- Episode 1 - What If We All Belonged to Each Other? Ancestral Reunion, Belonging, & the Path to Healing
- Episode 0 - Reclaiming Our Stories: A Journey of Belonging and Reunion
- Wisdom for Work #18 - Is Coaching Right for You? - with Dan Putt & Andy Crissinger
- #168 - The Healing Power of Tears: Building Empathy and Connection in a Numb World - with Benjamin Perry
- Wisdom for Work #17 - The Power of Retrospectives: Learning From the Past To Shape the Future - with Andy Crissinger
- Operator's Manual #8 - The Arc of Dysfunction: From Unhealthy Chaos to Healthy Creativity
- #167 - From Isolation to Openness: Engaging Fully with Real Life - with Sharon Salzberg
- Wisdom for Work #16 - The Brightest Bulb Challenge - with Ray Foote & Andy Crissinger
- #166 - We Can Choose to Ride the Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship - with Jean Smart
- Operator's Manual #7 - When Should You Shut Down the Business?
- #165 - The Bones of Belonging - with Annahid Dashtgard
- Extras #22 - Scaling as a Technical Founder & CEO - with Evan Drumwright
- Extras #21 - Climbing Out of the Pits of Despair - with Mollie West Duffy & Liz Fosslien
- #164 - How To Be a Stable Board Member - with Aileen Lee & Brad Feld
- Wisdom for Work #15 - Navigating Conflict & Difficult Conversations - with Chris VandenBrink & Andy Crissinger
- Operator's Manual #6 - The Benefits of Bootstrapping
- Wisdom for Work #14 - Micro-Practices for Leaders: Finding Ground & Setting Intention - with Andy Crissinger & Chrystal Bell
- Extras #20 - Anger As Messenger - with Mollie West Duffy, Chrystal Bell & Ali Schultz
- #163 - How To Bear Our Suffering - with Koshin Paley Ellison
- Wisdom for Work #13 - Accountability & Trust
- Operator's Manual #5 - Adaptive Leadership
- #162 - Looking Back to Move Forward - with Lisa Sharon Harper
- Extras #19 - Centering in Three Dimensions: A Practice - with Chrystal Bell
- Extras #18 - Fighting Compulsion: Detaching Our Worth from Our Work - with Liz Fosslien & Mollie West Duffy
- Extras #17 - Prep for Career Shifts and Job Changes - with Keith McAllister
- Extras #16 - Mountain Meditation: Finding Your Center - with Chrystal Bell
- Extras #15 - Working With Chronic Pain - with Liz Fosslien & Mollie West Duffy
- #161 - A Guidebook to Your Own Life - with Ian Sanders
- Extras #14 - Women's Conversations: Your Personal Leadership Style - with Sally Helgesen
- #160 - Learning From Regret - with Daniel Pink
- #159 - The Power of Shared Leadership - with Andrew Alexseyenko
- Wisdom for Work #12 - Collective Planning as a Leadership Team - with Andy Crissinger & Jerry Colonna
- #158 - Show Up for Your Life - with Laurie Segall
- Wisdom for Work #11 - Career Transitions at Midlife - with Jim Marsden, Ray Foote, Marty Janowitz & Jerry Colonna
- #157 - When Are You Done? - with Chris Remus
- Wisdom for Work #10 - Leader As Coach - with Chris VandenBrink & Andy Crissinger
- Extras #13 - Navigating High Conflict Personalities - with Megan Hunter
- #156 - Safety and Trust: The Crux of Adult Relationships - with Brad Feld & David Jilk
- Extras #12 - Compassionate Abiding: A Guided Meditation for Anxious Times - with Marty Janowitz
- #155 - The Heart of the Matter - with Dr. Simon Maltais
- Extras #11: Women's Conversations - Finding Joy & Creative Habits
- #154 - Untying the Knot of the Heart - with Duff McDonald
- Extras #10 - Drawing From the Power of Our Ancestors: A Guided Visualization - with Jamie Kim
- #153 - Everyone Is Scalable - with Matt Blumberg
- Operator's Manual #4 - On Modeling Self-care and Building the Machine
- Operator's Manual #3 - The Great Re-Examination: How Do You Want to Spend Your Minutes?
- Operator's Manual #2 - What Does It Mean To Step Back and Let Others Lead?
- #152 - Facts, Not Flaws - with Philip Deng
- Operator's Manual #1 - What IS the Job of the CEO?
- #151 - The Heartbreak of Every Day - with Nitin Agrawal
- #150 - Behind the Mask - with Ashanti Branch
- Extras #9 - 360° Reviews: Feedback as a Powerful Tool for Leadership Growth - with Andy Crissinger, Courtney Joyce & Nick Francis
- #149 - Tending the Garden of Democracy - with Amy McGrath
- #146 - The Cost of Failure - with Tom Eisenmann
- Wisdom for Work #9 - Navigating Power Differences To Build Better Relationships - with Andy Crissinger & Dan Putt
- #145 - Facing the Monster (in Your Head) - with Suneel Gupta
- #144 - The Stories We Tell Ourselves - with Ryan Caldbeck
- #143 - We’re All Carrying Something - with Gino Zahnd
- Wisdom for Work #8 - Coordinated Action: Making and Maintaining Commitments - Andy Crissinger & Jeff Riddle
- #142 - Signal & Noise - with Jeremy Bloom
- Wisdom for Work #7 - The Value of Feedback - with Andy Crissinger & Jen Cody
- #141 - What Is My Work To Do? - with Nathan Lustig
- #140 - From Heartbreak, Through Resilience, To Equanimity - with Chad Dickerson
- Extras #8 - Women's Conversations: Feminine Leadership, Self-care, & Fundraising for BIPOC Founders
- #139 - Embodied Leadership - with Sydnie L. Mosley
- #138 - Hardwired for Joy (re-release) - with Ingrid Fetell Lee
- #137 - Nothing Can Be Transformed Until It Is Faced - with Forest Richter
- #136 - Adversity As Opportunity - with Marcus Aurelius Anderson
- #135 - Rethinking Startup Community - with Brad Feld
- #134 - Becoming the Director of Your Life - Fritz Brumder
- #133 - The Shoulds of the Past & the Anxieties of the Future (re-release) – with Shizu Okusa
- #132 - The Startup Myths - with David Sax
- Wisdom for Work #6 - What Horses Can Teach Us About Psychological Safety and Trust in Teams - with Andy Crissinger & Ali Schultz
- #131 - Connecting to Your Past and Your Future - with Leslie Feinzaig
- #130 - When Your Company Grows You - with David Hieatt
- Wisdom for Work #5 - Inquiry as a Leadership Skill - with Andy Crissinger & Chris VandenBrink
- #129 - Loving Your Inner Critic - with Erine Gray
- #128 - Power, Progress, and Generative Conflict - with Regina Smith & Amanda Aguilera
- #127 - Leadership Without Inclusivity Is Not Leadership - with Jennifer Brown
- Wisdom for Work #4 - Red-Yellow-Green Check-ins - with Andy Crissinger & Chris VandenBrink
- #126 - A Prerequisite for Leadership - with Rha Goddess
- #125 - The Grief of Closing Down the Business - with Avni Patel Thompson
- Wisdom for Work #3 - Leading Through Transitions - with Andy Crissinger
- Wisdom for Work #2 - Information Processing Choices: Unpacking Levels of Listening - with Andy Crissinger
- #124 - A Map Is a Poor Substitute of a Life Lived - with Thiyagarajan Maruthavanan
- #123 - What Subroutines Are You Running? - with Daniel Feltsman
- Wisdom for Work #1 - The Ladder of Inference - with Andy Crissinger
- #122 - Hardwired for Joy - with Ingrid Fetell Lee
- #121 - Belonging Together - with Chris VandenBrink, Dan Putt, Andy Crissinger & Carl Baccellieri
- Extras #7 - Women's Conversations: I Am Enough: Vulnerability, Imposter Syndrome, and Confidence
- #120 - Breaking the Cycle - with Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler
- #119 - Investing in Trust - with Fred Wilson (re-release)
- #118 - The Business Case for Love - with Steve Farber
- Extras #6 - Women's Conversations: Family Time - Going Back to Work, Mom Guilt & Other Fertile Matters
- #117 - Reclaiming The Shadow – with Tracy Lawrence (re-release)
- Extras #5 - Women's Conversations: Making Space for Your Own Truth
- #116 - When Old Maps No Longer Work - with Dylan Bowman
- #115 - This Could Be Our Future - with Yancey Strickler
- #114 - The Shoulds of the Past & the Anxieties of the Future - with Shizu Okusa
- #113 - Invest in Being Yourself - with Bryce Roberts & Chris Marks
- #112 - Stay and Face It - with Fleet Maull
- #111 - Standing in the Gap - with Amy Nelson (re-release)
- #110 - The Mother of Invention - with Jules Pieri
- #108 - Leading Shoulder to Shoulder - with Sara Hicks and Mathias Meyer
- #107 - Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up - with Jerry Colonna
- #109 - With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility - with Dan Harris and Jerry Colonna
- #106 - Chasing Purpose (re-release) - with Jeff Orlowski
- #105 - Reboot Your Definition of Success - with Alex Rethore
- #104 - The Next Chapter - with David Ryan
- #102 - To Actually Live Your Life - with Khe Hy
- #103 - What Kind of Company Do You Want to Work For? - with Chris Savage & Brendan Schwartz
- #101 - A More Powerful Way of Working (re-release) - with Patty McCord
- #100 - Be Still - with Shanley Knox
- #99 - Thriving Versus Surviving - with David McQueen
- #97 - An Act of Grace - with Grace Belangia
- #98 - Effective Communication for a Growing Team (re-release) with Erin Frey & Ti Zhao
- #96 - The Dharma of Inclusivity - with Konda Mason (re-release)
- #95 - Who We’re Meant to Be - with Joe Wilding
- #94 - When Is Enough, Enough for Me? - with Steve Kane
- #93 - Standing in the Gap - with Amy Nelson
- #92 - The Love That Heals: Welcoming in Our Shadow - with James Hollis (re-release)
- #91 - Do I Even Have a Superpower? - with Kent Cavender-Bares (re-release)
- #90 - The Fear of Being You - with Leonie Akhidenor
- #89 - Everything Is Waiting for You - with Al Doan (re-release)
- #88 - The Work of Your Life - with Khe Hy (re-release)
- #86 - How Have You Lived Your Life? - with Parker J. Palmer
- #87 - The Adventure You Expected - with Rev. Michelle Haunold Lorenz
- #85 - Leading and Living with Integrity - with Shelly Francis
- #83 - How You Walk Through the World - with Seth Godin
- #84 - Building Resilient, Humane Organizations - with Nathalie McGrath
- #82 - Compassion and Resiliency - with Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD
- #81 - The Identities That Rule Us - with Semil Shah
- #80 - Navigating Children and Career - with Melissa Pasquale
- #79 - The Space Between Stimulus and Response - with Nicole Glaros
- #78 - When Did You Start to Listen to Your Heart - with Brad Feld & Jerry Colonna
- #77 - Knowing You’re Not Alone: The Magic of Peer Groups - with Christine Carrilo, Al Doan, Keeley Tillotson & Bryan Birsic
- #75 - A Pattern of Habits - with Judson Brewer
- #76 - A More Powerful Way of Working - with Patty McCord
- #74 - How Human Can We Be as Leaders - with Tarikh Korula
- #73 - Chasing Purpose - with Jeff Orlowski
- #72 - Heading Life's Speed Bumps - with Matt Tara
- #71 - Patience and Persistence - with Bobby Brannigan
- #70 - The Inner-Workings of a Good Board - with Brad Feld & Fred Wilson
- #67 - The Energy of Our Emotions - with Ben Rubin & Dan Harris
- #66 - What Are You Made Of? - with Adeesh Agarwal
- #69 - Effective Communication for a Growing Team - with Erin Frey & Ti Zhao
- #64 - Whole Humans Make Better Leaders - with Nancy Lublin
- #68 - Your Second Act - with Jason Jacobs
- #65 - What You Choose to Become - with Derek Flanzraich
- #63 - Remember Who You Are - with Adi Mashiach
- #62 - Letting Go of Perfection - with Sharon Salzberg
- #60 - The Work of Your Life - with Khe Hy
- #61 - The Seasons of Our Lives - with Sally Spencer-Thomas
- #59 - Everything Is Waiting for You - with Al Doan
- #58 - The Joy of Surrender - with Simon Cant
- #57 - There's Just Us - with Bijan Sabet
- #56 - Participate in Your Own Rescue - with John Guydon
- #55 - Fierce Compassion - with Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD
- #54 - Hearts Broken Open: The Case for Conscious Leadership and Entrepreneurship - with Matt Munson
- #52 - Feast On Your Life - with Rob Symington
- #53 - Transform Your Hustle - with Catherine Hoke and Brad Feld
- #51 - The Love that Heals: Welcoming in our Shadow - with James Hollis
- Extras #4: 360 Reviews with Fred Wilson
- #50 - A True Place of Belonging
- #49 - The Tragic Gap - with Tarikh Korula
- #48 - When are you really an Entrepreneur? - with Sarah Weiler
- Extras #3 - Blind Spots: Reboot on Startup Podcast
- Reboot Extras #2: Co-Founder Conflict Dan Putt / Jay Acunzo (Traction Series)
- Reboot Extras #1: Unspoken Cofounder Issues with Dan Putt / Jay Acunzo (NextView Series)
- #47 - Embracing Both Sides of Yourself - with Amir Salihefendic, CEO of Doist
- #46 - Hitting a Wall - with Semil Shah
- #45 - What's Love Got to Do with It?- with Fred Wilson & Brad Feld
- #44 - We Are Designed to Fail - with Nicholas Russell
- #40 - Beyond Blame - with Dave Zwieback
- #43 - The Dharma of Inclusivity - with Konda Mason
- #42 - Building Relational Trust - with Parker Palmer
- #41 - Are You Afraid of Your Own Power? - with John Guydon
- #38 - Plant the Seeds of Your Life - with Congressman Tim Ryan
- #39 - It's Time For New Choices - with Mary Lemmer
- #37 - Are you a Servant Leader? - with Patrick Campbell
- #36 - The Quest - with Jim Marsden and Jade Sherer
- #35 - Everything is Workable - with Richard Hughes-Jones
- #34 - Self-Actualization is Limitless - with Henry May
- #31 - Why Being Real Matters - with Evgeny Shadchnev
- #30 - Who Do You Turn To? - with Yancey Strickler & Ian Hogarth
- #33 - Do I Even Have A Superpower?- with Kent Cavender-Bares
- #29 - Who's in Your Corner? - with Carrie Barry
- #32 - Invest in Being Yourself - with Bryce Roberts & Chris Marks
- #28 - Reclaiming The Shadow - with Tracy Lawrence
- #27 - From Caring Comes Courage - with Zoe Weintraub
- #26 - Finding Your Business Soulmate - with the Grommet Co-Founders
- #25 - Live Beyond Compare - Brad Feld
- #24 -This is All Temporary - with Hugh MacLeod
- #23 - With a Little More Care - Entrepreneur Growth & Development - with Sherman Lee
- #22 - Does Anyone Really Know What They Are Doing? - with Sharon Salzberg
- #20 - Investors are Human Too - with Bijan Sabet
- #21 - The Pathless Path - with William Morrison
- #19 - Building a House of Belonging - With Tanisha Robinson
- #18 - Taking your Seat - with Jules Pieri
- #17 - Are You Being Stubborn or Resilient? - with Nigel Sharp
- #16 - Mindful Partnerships - with Zelle Nelson & Maureen McCarthy
- #15 - Becoming a Leader: The Crucible of Co-Founder Conflict
- #14 - Shadow and Leadership - with Parker J. Palmer
- #11 - Stop and See: Mind hacking, Meditation and Leadership - with Vincent Horn
- #10 - Fail With Honor - with Derek Bereit & Beth McKeon
- #13 - You Are Not Alone in the Fear - with Ben Rubin
- #9 - Investing in Trust - with Fred Wilson
- #12 - The Journey After the Journey - with Polar Explorer Ben Saunders
- #8 - How Introspection Changed My Business - with Blaine Vess
- #7 - Depression and Entrepreneurship - with Rand Fishkin
- #6 - Do You Avoid Difficult Conversations? - with Carm Huntress
- #5 - How Do You Define Success? - with Joseph Chura
- #4 - The Hidden Burdens in Our Work - with Sherman Lee and Joseph Bassett
- #3 - This Being So, So What? - with Nigel Sharp
- #2 - What If I Don't Want to Be CEO? - with Duncan Morris
- #1 - How self-reflection potentially saved a business - with Jerry Colonna and Derek Flanzraich