Reboot was founded on the belief that in our work lies the possibility of the full realization of human potential. Work doesn’t have to destroy us. Work can be the way we achieve our fullest selves, and in doing so become more effective leaders, colleagues, and human beings. We don’t have to do it alone, nor do we need to.
Challenges and opportunities in the professional realm are what lead clients to pursue executive coaching. Many of them may initially hold a belief that if they could just figure out how to do the job better then they’ll feel better.
We believe the opposite is true. That is, if you can learn to manage your psyche, your anxieties, and the sensation of failing, then you can be a leader. And the leader who commits to this work is more likely to show up to others as authentic and trustworthy.
We believe that helping clients develop the managerial skills necessary to do the job is important but not enough to create the transformation they are seeking. To be a leader, they must also cultivate a fearless willingness to look deeply through self-inquiry.
We believe better leaders make better humans, and better humans create more humane organizations and places of systemic belonging. We’re here to support you and your team members in bringing forth the best that you have, using everything that emerges from organizational life (both challenges and successes) as opportunities to grow. Discover Reboot Team Experiences.