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Erika Trautman

“Bootcamp helped me redefine my emotional relationship to stress and to the challenges that are just constant and pervasive in building a company. Having that change of relationship was completely reinvigorating. It gave me stamina, resilience and longevity in an industry that is notorious for exhaustion and anxiety. After attending the bootcamp, I became much more grounded and centered in who I am as a CEO, and that’s really important because you can spend a lot of energy and time chasing other models of some CEOs. Now, I know the place from which I make decisions. It’s a much more grounded, comfortable place to be. Bootcamp is absolutely worth your time and money. There’s an added benefit of expanding your community. And, of course, the weekend itself really, really moves you forward in ways that you can’t anticipate.”


Embracing Leadership as a Reluctant CEO This essay is written by one of our first alums from our CEO Bootcamp, Sooinn Lee, CEO of LocoMotive Labs. Last fall, Sooinn also spoke at TEDxBayArea Women in a…
Connect. Think. Lead. Adapted from the forward I wrote to a friend’s new book… Connect. Think. Do. I’d first gotten the call, an inquiry call for coaching, two weeks previous. In a follow-up…
Up and to the Right I have a chai; he has a cappuccino. We sit outside, at the metal mesh patio tables, as the coffee house is about to close. “I can’t decide the path:…



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