Reboot Podcast Episode Wisdom for Work #27 – Parsing Emotional Data – with Miriam Meima

The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.

Wisdom for Work #27 // January 23, 2025


Miriam Meima

Miriam Meima

Coach & Facilitator

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Ali Schultz

Ali Schultz

Author, Coach & Facilitator

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Episode Description

How do we connect with our deeper emotional landscape? Miriam Meima joins Ali to explore the power of emotional intelligence and what our feelings can teach us about ourselves. Together, they unpack the unexplored corners of human experience and share the practical “7 Steps to Sanity” framework—a tool for riding emotional waves, finding clarity, and moving forward with purpose.

7 Steps to Sanity | Congruence | Since Feelings Is First

Show Highlights

Memorable Quotes:

“If your most authentic self isn’t living or leading an examined life, that true expression, that authentic expression for whatever is true, for you in that moment, might come out sideways. It might be incredibly hurtful. It might be full of a bunch of unexplored baggage from your psyche that, well, yes, it might be a true expression. It’s not like the truest expression of, it’s not like coming from your true self.” – Ali Schultz

“Just saying what is coming to you is not the same as being authentic. What we’re saying is being authentic is tapping into the you that’s underneath some layers.” – Miriam Meima

“How do we start naming and getting comfortable naming, not just body sensations, because that’s true, but also, what are the emotions behind that, and then what are the emotions behind the emotions, right? So you can get to the core, meaty, oh, I feel angry, okay, great, what’s behind that? Oh, I feel hurt, what’s behind that?” – Ali Schultz

“We all have shadow and it’s going to come with us. It’s part of the texture of human existence. It can be really beautiful. We don’t want to pretend it away. So we want to keep it in front of us. We want to look towards it. We want to be curious and take responsibility for it. So in my mind, when we say unshadowed, it’s kind of all of that, trying to be self-aware enough to be true to ourselves.” – Miriam Meima

“Emotions in some sense have gotten a bad rap. I feel like we think of them more of a distraction than a support system.” – Miriam Meima

“I’m a big fan of working with my clients of sorting through what is a concern and then there’s the emotion of fear and then there are the concerns. The concerns we can root in reality and they help us balance, or at least in my experience help me balance my fear with understanding what’s happening that I’m relating to as a concern. So sometimes there’s a concern that needs to be addressed and that’s then pointing to a conversation I probably need to have or some data that I need to gather. But more often than not, fear is just telling me that change is happening. It’s a cue my body sends to me that says things are changing.” – Miriam Meima

“I think becoming more alive and becoming that more mature adult human and…expanding into our own life means welcoming in and inviting in and knowing and trusting I can ride the waves of these things. No matter what they are, as they’re coming, you know, or as they’re here. I’m thinking of the Rumi poem, The Guesthouse,  each day a new guest a new arrival.” – Ali Schultz

“Having a greater awareness and being able to work with our emotional selves on a moment-to-moment basis throughout our days lends itself to more aliveness, more that deeper connection with self, right? So we’re no longer abandoning ourselves and then exhausting ourselves and then burning out ourselves, right? All of a sudden going, how did we, how did we get here?” – Ali Schultz