Memorable Quotes:
“Setting clear direction and knowing how everyday tasks can impact the company affects the larger goal of why they’re there and helps engage people to bring out their best. Without that being known, it’s hard for people to find their value in what they do day to day.” – Jen Cody
“When you’re not speaking with other people who are engaged in a similar goal, you start to develop your own belief that the way you’re doing it is right. And without that conversation, you start to get entrenched that your way is better than the other. It’s possible to get really stuck, which is the opposite of clarity. When you create that clarity and have that conversation, you get some movement.” – Chris VandenBrink
“Knowing the people that are on our team helps build this relationship, and then, in turn, builds this conversation that will open the door for more clarity and setting expectations.” – Jen Cody
“What do you know specifically about the members of your team, the individuals on your team, how much do you know about them? Not just personally, or where they’re from, but how they like to work and how they like to receive feedback.” – Chris VandenBrink
“Moving with curiosity and listening rather than force and telling might present some new choices that might be there. And that’s hard when the pressure’s on.” – Jim Marsden
“I think one of the things I see that is just an important basis of any team is that there’s a shared sense of purpose. It might be helpful to return to that shared sense of purpose that serves as common ground for us to even be together in the first place. And returning to that and having a bit of a conversation is kind of slowing down actually to go ahead more quickly, but more coordinated.” – Jim Marsden
“I think moving towards clarity is a team sport when it comes to teams. It’s not up to any one individual, even though one may feel it’s on my shoulders. So I feel like to let it be more of a team ‘we’re moving to,’ nothing’s better than knowing as a team that we’re being clear.” – Jim Marsden
“Can you give yourselves the grace to be bad before you’re good? Can you let yourself be not perfect at this as you’re working through these things?” – Andy Crissinger