Top Quotes:
“Many of us get caught up in habitual ways of processing the verbal or written data that’s coming at us, and those patterns, those habits, can keep us locked in behaviors that actually get in the way of our success as leaders, or as colleagues.” – Andy Crissinger
“In true threat situations, it’s actually wonderful that our bodies can respond in fight, flight, or even freeze, which can actually keep us safe and can keep us alive.” – Andy Crissinger
“When we’re doing pattern matching and problem-solving, we’re always comparing to what we already know and fitting into those preexisting models that we carry around in our minds.” – Andy Crissinger
“All disciplines that we cultivate expertise in, we’re essentially learning to recognize patterns.” – Andy Crissinger
“Empathic listening and connection are really about meeting another person on a human level.” – Andy Crissinger
“Empathic listening and connection are really about suspending my preconceived notions of what’s right, of what might be going on for this person, and actually asking great questions, listening. It can allow new insights to emerge as I allow myself to suspend, at least temporarily, my way of seeing the world and connect with how someone else sees it.” – Andy Crissinger
“If we are encountering a new problem that we’ve never encountered before, it can be limiting to try to attack that problem with pattern matching and problem-solving, whereas, mining for potential and that way of gauging, engaging new ideas, can be generative, can be helpful, and can support innovation.” – Andy Crissinger