Reboot Podcast Episode Extras #25 – The Power of Horses for Coach Development

The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.


Liz Stewart

Liz Stewart

Coaching Supervisor

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Kelly Wendorf

Kelly Wendorf

Founder of Equus, Author, & Coach

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Ali Schultz

Ali Schultz

Reboot Founder, Coach & Facilitator

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Episode Description

In this Wisdom for Work episode, Ali sits down with Liz Stewart and Kelly Wendorf to talk about Reboot’s upcoming Coach Retreat, the value of coach supervision, and how working with horses can support coaches in their growth towards maturity and mastery. Liz is a coach supervisor, and Kelly Wendorf is the founder of EQUUS – an equine-facilitated learning campus situated in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Learn more about Reboot Supervision and our 3-Day Coach Retreat this October.

Show Highlights

Memorable Quotes:

“What better time for us all to be doing our good work than now when humanity is amidst so much disruption? And so, not only are we all as coaches called forward to be coaches, but to be the best coaches that we can be in these times.” – Kelly Wendorf

“What aspects of myself can I influence so that I can show up more powerfully for my clients? So that my work translates into creating real measurable change for my clients.” – Kelly Wendorf

“A retreat like this is that it’s not about how to be a better coach. It’s about checking in with themself as a coach. What is it that they need for themselves? You know, what could be restorative for them? Nurturing, and nutrition, so that they can go back to their work. So it’s less about performance and just more about understanding themselves.” – Liz Stewart

“A big piece for me that’s exciting is how to put our two worlds together so that the coach takes something home that uplevels them significantly and also gives them a time of rest and restoration and just to get to know other people.” – Liz Stewart

“For me, good coaching goes back to embodiment and presence and I can’t think of a container than a herd of to teach that.” – Ali Schultz

“Who’s an ideal candidate for this…I think people who are curious, who are coaching, who are willing to be vulnerable, even if they don’t know what that means, and are open to not knowing. There’s a real wisdom in coming in and saying, I want to grow myself as a coach. I want to grow myself as a human.” – Liz Stewart