Memorable Quotes:
“I have bootstrapped this company from the ground up. This wasn’t because I couldn’t raise money. It was because I wanted to do it that way.” – Amir Salihefendic
“My biggest struggle right now is figuring out how to take this company that is making millions of dollars in revenue, and grow that to tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue while scaling the team and product base.” – Amir Salihefendic
“Having very high ambitions may be problematic.” – Amir Salihefendic
“I am never satisfied with the status quo.” – Amir Salihefendic
“It is really annoying that no matter what you do, you will never really be satisfied.” – Amir Salihefendic
“The problem with ambition is it keeps growing. You reach one level and then you look for the next. Once you reach the next level you look for another one. It seems like a never ending path. This is positive because you grow as a person and build something meaningful, but it is also very tiring and dangerous at times.” – Amir Salihefendic
“The danger with ambition can be depression and burnout.” – Amir Salihefendic“If you put too much pressure on yourself or other people, it can possibly lead to misery in the end.” – Amir Salihefendic
“Too often, people don’t prize the value of bootstrapping and actually building a profitable business from the get-go.” – Jerry Colonna
“There is nothing wrong with running a business where you simply have more money at the end of the day than you did at the beginning of the day. This is the goal.” – Jerry Colonna
“The struggle is that a lot of things become much harder once you scale. Everything is easier in the beginning when you are just a few people with a product. Communication is easier. Building things is easier. Your responsibility is easier.” – Amir Salihefendic
“The vision of the company is to have hundreds of millions of users, and to have a company where people are healthy, taking care of themselves, and not hating their lives.” – Jerry Colonna
“If you as a founder only think about yourself, that is a very short-sighted way of looking at the world.” – Amir Salihefendic
“A lot of people are not happy, but other people are struggling a lot more. My life has been a lot easier than my parents. Starting my business has been a game compared to them starting theirs. They had to start their business without even knowing the language.” – Amir Salihefendic
“We should be grateful for the opportunity that we have because it is much better than most other people in the world.” – Amir Salihefendic