Reboot Podcast Episode #43 – The Dharma of Inclusivity – with Konda Mason

The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.

Episode 43 // June 23, 2016

The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.


Konda Mason

Konda Mason

Co-Director/CEO Hub Oakland

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Episode Description

There is real suffering out there and that suffering that is causing violence.  What are some of the causes of the suffering and how might we address those?  

It’s a true honor to welcome entrepreneur, creator, and teacher, Konda Mason to the podcast for an important and timely conversation with Jerry. This discussion was recorded last week, and we thought it was really important to get this out sooner rather than later, particularly given the events in Orlando.  Konda and Jerry address some of the source causes of this suffering, this pain, and what opportunities might lie in remembering we’re all in this together.  This conversation will challenge you on your own privileges and inspire you to find new ways of connecting with people from all backgrounds.

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Show Highlights

Memorable Quotes:

“I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.” – Konda Mason

“The best part of my job is connecting with other entrepreneurs.” – Konda Mason

“There is a suffering that exists in the world, and it is manifesting in a kind of hate.” – Jerry Colonna

“We, in this country, have a tendency to band-aid problems.” – Konda Mason

“There is not an environmental issue that doesn’t have a social justice implication and impact.” – Konda Mason

“It’s all about the maximization of ‘me’ as opposed to the maximization of ‘we’.” – Konda Mason

“When ‘me’ is up against difference, it looks like (and shows up as) ‘othering’.” – Konda Mason

“When I think about these diversity issues that people want to wrap their heads around in organizations and businesses and they are looking at quotes, words, or bathrooms, it is the band-aid.” – Konda Mason

“Experiencing interdependence makes us well, and that is who we really are.” – Konda Mason

“We are so deeply interdependent to each other, this planet, and all species.” – Konda Mason

“To do the work that is really going to transform how we are living on this planet we have to all get on the same bus.” – Konda Mason

“We are socialized to see ourselves as disconnected, and to not be inter-dependent.” – Jerry Colonna

“If you could change colors right now, would you be a black man in America?” – Konda Mason

“That white skin privilege and that male privilege puts you in front of the line, even if you had nothing coming in.” – Konda Mason

“Most tech companies are founded by people who have experienced privilege in some form or another.” – Jerry Colonna

“When it comes to race privilege work, we think we know it, but it is a whole body of knowledge to learn.” – Konda Mason

“There are different levels. There is the band-aid level and there is the real level, which is the deep level that is systemic.” – Konda Mason

“If we really want to get the work done that we need to do to make this planet tick in a way that is going to be whole and well, it is about sharing power.” – Konda Mason

“It is not your fault. It is your responsibility to learn, but it is not your fault.” – Konda Mason

“It’s not about the smartest person in the board room anymore. It’s not about the smartest person in the C-suite anymore. It’s about the multicultural nature of it such that diversity of views are coming in.” – Konda Mason

“I’m already scared as it is. Take away my power and I am really scared.” – Jerry Colonna