Memorable Quotes:
“I always have this feeling of who’s in the click and who’s out of the click and what is the click and what are those things? And so it’s enabled me to just be comfortable actually be able to see it like very black and white and then work out okay well I have a lot of empathy for that insecure feeling of not feeling like you’re belonging.” – Rob Castaneda
“How do I enable other Rocketeers to take the vessel that we have as Service Rocket and how do we allow them to come in and use it for them to get to the next step? To not erase their backgrounds, but embrace their backgrounds.” Rob Castaneda
“It really brings you to the essence of fostering a tribe. It’s a global virtual tribe, but it’s a place where people belong. And the part that really helps is that everyone is seen. The empathy in the company rises dramatically.” – Rob Castaneda
“We have given everybody a voice, allowed everybody to be seen for who they are and their family and whatever they wanted to share. We’ve protected the company because we have this mantra internally of grow the tree and share the fruit.” – Rob Castaneda
“And there’s so much about the last 60, 70 years, at least in American culture that would have us negate difference. We even throw around terms like, oh, this is identity politics, and somehow that leads to divisiveness. And yet yours is a living example of the opposite. Because it’s not celebrating one culture over another culture, or one heritage over another heritage, it’s creating space for recognition of all the cultures. So that which binds us together, the work of being a Rocketeer, the joy of being a Rocketeer together, becomes an expression of community becomes a place of belonging.” – Jerry Colonna
“There is actually no better power that you can tap into than that of your ancestors. Like simply no, it’s undefeatable.” – Rob Castaneda