We interview co-founders, board members, reports and other stakeholders to get 360-degree feedback about your leadership.
Gain insight into what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs changing to support your growth and the growth of your company.
With the support of your coach, create a personal development plan that helps you show up as the leader you want to be.
A Deep Dive 360 is a valuable way to get candid, detailed feedback about your leadership. By conducting in-depth interviews with every reviewer, we can dig deep into what you’re doing well, where you can improve, and potential blind spots you may have. A Deep Dive 360 is an especially good fit if you have reviewers with busy schedules who are more likely to schedule an interview than fill out a survey. The final report brings this feedback into cogent themes that you can use to create a personal development plan.
Deep Dive 360 Process
Our process supports the nuanced and highly personal nature of our client relationships. The focus on interviews allows us to ask follow-up questions and draw out specific examples that reviewers might not reveal in an online questionnaire. Combined with a self-assessment, the end result is a 360-degree picture of your leadership.
Reboot engages in assessments as a part of coaching, and we only conduct assessments with clients who are in an active coaching relationship with Reboot.