The Reboot Blog

Reflections on the Art of Being Human at Work.

Does anyone really know what they are doing? I noticed something. I was running my hands through my hair again. A lot. Enough that my thick wavy hair was now spiked out like a troll doll. That’s my…
The Beauty of Not Knowing When I was running operations at a company years ago, I brought in this piece of fortune cookie wisdom from my art studio and taped it to my monitor: “Creativity…
Unfinished Poems Unfinished Poem, by John O’Donohue “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” “It takes a lot to trust what’s emerging…
Integrity of Soul At our bootcamps, it’s only a matter of time–minutes maybe–before stories surface around the topic of investors. Some of the stories exemplify what a mutually co-powered, co-creative relationship can be…
Fresh Tracks Growing up in West Central Wisconsin, I know intimately the inhospitable season that is winter. Parker Palmer notes in Letting Your Life Speak, that these winters will drive you crazy…
Still Standing Still Years ago, I wrote that founding, running, and working in a startup can often feel as if you’re often feel as if you’re standing still while your hair’s on fire.…



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