The Reboot Blog

Reflections on the Art of Being Human at Work.

Clarity and Grace “To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.” – Mary Oliver I’ve been transitioning since the beginning of the year. Adrift in a changing sea, I’ve moved homes,…
Aftermath I’m always a bit shocked when I hear the infamous statistic that “90% of startups fail.” The beginning of any entrepreneurial endeavor can seem like a good idea at the…
Sacred Pause “Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present.” – Alan Watts As I was leaving the condo this morning, I poked my head into my room…
The Opportunity A few weeks ago, Jerry and I were in London for a couple of workshops for the tech community there. During the second afternoon, we sent participants out in pairs…
The Gifts of Relationship Back in 2008, I’d started writing a blog post based around the assertion that “relationships are the new ashram”’ In other words: you can spare yourself a navel-gazing trip to…
Go Your Own Way Growing up in a fairly small town in Wisconsin, I went to a tiny private school where most classmates played sports, dated, and shopped together, while I did my own…
Passing By We never know what will happen next. The point of being alive is to be there for it. — Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche In one of my first creative journals, I…
The Beauty of Not Knowing When I was running operations at a company years ago, I brought in this piece of fortune cookie wisdom from my art studio and taped it to my monitor: “Creativity…
Integrity of Soul At our bootcamps, it’s only a matter of time–minutes maybe–before stories surface around the topic of investors. Some of the stories exemplify what a mutually co-powered, co-creative relationship can be…



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