The Reboot Blog

Reflections on the Art of Being Human at Work.

Borne “Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of…
The High Road You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. – Maya Angelou…
Welcoming In “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be changed by humans.”  — Ursula K. Le Guin One evening…
Clearing Up The Lies We Tell Ourselves “Everyone loses when bright people play small.” ― Valerie Young I never would have been the first to raise my hand and say I had imposter syndrome until I read…
Unhooked “The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them.” – Thomas Crum How do you act in the…
To Take On Board “As my friends and colleagues are tired of hearing me say, I’ve never seen a board guarantee an organization’s success, but I have seen a board guarantee its failure.” –…
A Brief Case for Love “The word “love” is most often defined as a noun, yet the more astute theorists of love acknowledge that we would all love better if we used it as a…
The Big Reveal “When you stop controlling, you start communicating.” – Andres Castano Yesterday evening I was walking my horse along the bridle paths at the barn. The heat of the day had…
At the Heart of It All “Regardless of the myths we are telling ourselves, what kind of company or organization are we truly building? At the end of our days, are we becoming the person we’d…



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