The Reboot Blog

Reflections on the Art of Being Human at Work.

Safe & Secure Relationships “Secure attachments are NOT formed as a result of preventing relational ruptures. Secure attachments are formed as a result of repairing ruptures. […] When we carry the belief that rupture…
Mad to the Bone “Your anger helps you identify what’s important to you, it helps you set clear boundaries, and it helps you access the strength you need to be vulnerable. Your relationships can’t…
Adapting & Setting Limits “Our gut feelings are often the first to tell us there is a problem with someone’s behavior. Pay attention to your own gut when you’re in someone’s presence, or when…
Considering “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche One of the things that stood out to me in this conversation with Brad Feld…
Facing The Challenges of Virtual Teams: 10 Skills for Managing Remote Organizations Successfully Managing a remote team successfully requires an attunement to what matters most in communication: understanding the human or humans in front of you. If you can connect with humans face…
Unhooked “The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them.” – Thomas Crum How do you act in the…
Building Bridges unharm someone by telling the truth you could not face when you struck instead of tended. — put the fire out (unburn) – Nahyyriah Waheed Safety is a necessary component…
Being Human at Work “We need to basically reset everything so that winning is actually leading with your whole self. We need a whole, complete re-imagining of user experience, winning, and culture that’s human-centric.…
Just Us “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” – Mother Teresa In college I studied comparative religions after realizing that the…
Makes All the Difference “Real courage is risking something that might force you to rethink your thoughts and suffer change and stretch consciousness. Real courage is risking one’s clichés.” ― Tom Robbins There’s this…



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