The Reboot Blog

Reflections on the Art of Being Human at Work.

In Kinship “Exclusion is derived from fear, ignorance, and power, whilst inclusion is derived from love, compassion, and respect.” — Michelle Emson In anthropology, kinship is the web of social relationships that…
Moving Forward and Re-membering “There is actually no better power that you can tap into than that of your ancestors.” – Rob Castenada, founder and CEO of ServiceRocket Often in life, we do what…
Being Brave “Only to the degree that we’ve gotten to know our personal pain, only to the degree that we’ve related with pain at all, will we be fearless enough, brave enough,…
Claiming Kinship: Listening to Our Stories of Belonging There lies the longing to know and be known by another fully and humanly, and that beneath that there lies a longing, closer to the heart of the matter still,…
True Justice and the Bones of Belonging “There lies the longing to know and be known by another fully and humanly, and that beneath that there lies a longing, closer to the heart of the matter still,…
Here For It “I feel like we live in a world where we are always trying to cover what’s hard. Cover what’s real.” – Koshin Paley Ellison In today’s episode of the Reboot…
From Whence You Come “In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the…
Go Ask A Boy About His Heart, and Keep Asking Brave is matching your insides and outsides. […] Actions are not inherently brave-the honoring of the inner compass instead of the outer expectation is the braveness. Brave cannot be judged…
In Confidence “Afraid that our inner light will be extinguished or our inner darkness exposed, we hide our true identities from each other. In the process, we become separated from our own…
Shifting for the Better “We are a nation not only of dreamers, but also of fixers. We have looked at our land and people, and said, time and time again, “This is not good…



The Reboot Podcast with Jerry Colonna, Team Reboot, and Startup Leaders

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