The Reboot Blog

Reflections on the Art of Being Human at Work.

Who’s in Your Corner? “Life doesn’t run away from nobody. Life runs at people.” – Joe Frazier Remember the anger I talked about in the last podcast newsletter? A year ago, Jerry suggested I…
Exile Nothing Anger is one of those qualities I buried deep in the basement of my psyche, along with some other gems. My sister and I grew up watching my father’s displays…
Pulling Back the Curtain In listening to Zoe’s conversation with Jerry I was struck by the fear of disappointment. When someone puts their trust in you, or looks to you for leadership, how can…
The Gifts of Relationship Back in 2008, I’d started writing a blog post based around the assertion that “relationships are the new ashram”’ In other words: you can spare yourself a navel-gazing trip to…
Go Your Own Way Growing up in a fairly small town in Wisconsin, I went to a tiny private school where most classmates played sports, dated, and shopped together, while I did my own…
Passing By We never know what will happen next. The point of being alive is to be there for it. — Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche In one of my first creative journals, I…
A la Mode “With a little more care, a little more courage, and, above all, a little more soul, our lives can be so easily discovered and celebrated in work, and not, as…
The Beauty of Not Knowing When I was running operations at a company years ago, I brought in this piece of fortune cookie wisdom from my art studio and taped it to my monitor: “Creativity…
Unfinished Poems Unfinished Poem, by John O’Donohue “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” “It takes a lot to trust what’s emerging…



The Reboot Podcast with Jerry Colonna, Team Reboot, and Startup Leaders

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