Reboot Coaches & Team Experience Facilitators

We believe that helping clients develop the managerial skills necessary to do the job is important but not enough to create the transformation they are seeking. To be a leader, they must also cultivate a fearless willingness to look deeply through self-inquiry.


In keeping with Reboot’s approach of blending Practical Skills with Radical Self-Inquiry, Reboot coaches each bring their own unique mix of those two elements. We all share a relentless commitment to helping you find both operational excellence and transformative self-awareness. Indeed, we believe those two things are inseparable. More specifically, a Reboot coach is…

  • Someone who truly believes the opportunity of realizing the fullest human potential lies in using work to do our own work as people.
  • Constantly using our work, the work we do in our company, the work we do with our clients, the work we do in our lives, to continue our own growth and development.
  • Immersed and connected to leaders in high growth organizations, both in terms of our own work experience, but even more so in the client work we do every day.
  • Someone who doesn’t believe there is a right way for you to be in your role except for you to find your right way.

If we don’t work on our stuff, our stuff will work on us. It will run our lives–and show up in our offices and relationships–until we take the reins of responsibility for our own well-being.

Ali brings together her decades in a variety of startups (as an operator, managing projects-teams-and-human resources, and developing brands) with a lifetime of soul-based explorations to the field of leadership development. Ali joined Jerry Colonna in 2013 to create life-changing CEO and Founder Bootcamps, both in the US and abroad. In 2014, she co-founded with Jerry Colonna and Dan Putt.

Her book, The Art of Being Human at Work, is a collection of essays that explores the core philosophy of Reboot’s unique approach to business and leadership: that a combination of practical skills and radical self-inquiry are both necessary parts of what it takes to grow, build, and sustain a great company. Tackling issues like burnout, the perils of perfectionism, fear of change, building trust, weathering failure, and defining success, it teaches us that if we are to work and lead well—with authenticity, courage, integrity, and compassion—we must first do the necessary inner work of becoming a better human. It pays to be conscious about not only what we’re doing but how we’re doing it, and this book provides a roadmap for leaders and CEOs to do just that.

Ali is the spark behind Reboot’s coaching-for-coaches offering–Reboot Supervision–which offers coaches transformational support with coaching supervision, group supervision, and 3-Day Coach retreats.

Ali has a master’s degree in religious studies from the University of Colorado at Boulder, studied Transformational Neuro-linguistic Programming at NLP Marin, trained with the Center for Collaborative Awareness, and is a certified EQUUS Experience Facilitator (EECF). She writes on the Reboot Blog and Reboot’s Leadership & Resiliency column on Medium, and occasionally hosts the Reboot Podcast.

“Our most challenging moments as leaders can illuminate the path ahead for ourselves and for our companies, when we meet them with deep inquiry and a courageously open heart.

With executive leadership experience and nearly three decades as a coach, facilitator, and therapist, Carl Baccellieri meets leaders in a rare conversational space of presence, self-inquiry, and transformation. With an intimate and down-to-earth approach, his superpower lies in clarifying the most desired future his clients are reaching for, while also supporting their moment-to-moment awareness of how that future becomes a reality in the here and now -and what gets in the way. Carl figures that the startup spirit can extend all the way into the audacity of designing a world that supports all humans living their most expressed and meaningful lives – including ourselves!

Carl holds a master’s degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy, post-masters certification in Transformational NLP, and over 10 years of experience coaching within the emerging field of Acceptance and Commitment Training. He lives outside Santa Fe, NM where he stewards a four-acre acequia-fed farm and orchard, invites travelers to sit for tea, and enjoys riding his mountain bike into the endless expanse of the painted desert.

“The one who is willing to walk courageously on the path of leadership is undertaking the journey of a lifetime. It is challenging, heart-opening, and profoundly fulfilling. How we choose to navigate this labyrinth is where we find out who we are and what it is possible to create.”

Chrystal is an executive coach and facilitator with a passion for supporting individuals to work well and live well. She has worked with clients and organizations across the spectrum, from founders to emerging leaders, and in the private sector, non-profit, and public service realms.

Bringing a well of practical experience along with listening, inquiry, and multi-disciplinary knowledge, Chrystal creates a connected space where discovery, reflection, and action occur. The result is that clients feel empowered, resourced, and supported in their growth. Clients who work with her say they develop better skills to lead, navigate life transitions, handle conflict, manage stress, and come into alignment with themselves.

Coupled with her own experiences, Chrystal’s background in equity, inclusion, and belonging creates a space for folks who want to work with a coach who understands the myriad ways identity impacts one’s life and work. She can skillfully work across those dimensions and is as comfortable coaching clients who might be “the only” or one of a few, as she is with anyone.

“The form of your life is designed. By you. The process of revealing the seemingly invisible structures that support the form is a profound journey connecting you to the wonderfully meaningful desires you have for yourself and the world. Every day is another opportunity to re-design how you show up on the journey, every day becoming more and more you.”

The transformation from self-doubt to self-trust is the most meaningful journey we can embark on as a human. Whether founder or employee, discovering our inner-knowing requires certain conditions to be present: Patience, sitting in stillness, letting go of judgment and openness to really fucking great questions. This work is deeply personal and enduring, even if professionally practical.

As a coach, facilitator, and licensed architect, Chris VandenBrink is especially skilled at supporting leaders along this path, bringing design thinking, tactical experience, and a light-hearted approach to each moment he spends with them, together building the foundation and form of the very best versions of themselves. Through an exquisite understanding of client goals and underlying motivations, practical mental models, and organizational frameworks, Chris guides his clients through the sometimes uncertain territory of their roles into more adept and assured ground where new possibilities emerge.

“We all have aspirations, things we want to achieve. I believe the true formula to achieving our goals is already within us, but is often buried under the burden of our daily lives. I am truly privileged to help people unlock the wisdom that they already possess, and define their own unique path to success.”

Courtney has been a coach for over a decade and has coached a wide range of clients, from first-time jobholders to late-professionals. Prior to Reboot, her coaching work was mostly at large companies such as Yahoo and Google – but now she enjoys her focus on coaching leaders at high growth fast-paced startups.

Courtney is a trained Co-Active coach. Her process starts with a deep exploration of issues to fully understand what is at stake — uncovering and peeling back all of the layers. She is particularly skilled at uncovering blind spots, things that may be blocking you, and talking about the hard things. Her clients walk away with the confidence, self-awareness, and pragmatic approaches needed to be more effective leaders. Clients say they appreciate her no-nonsense, direct, and (occasionally) irreverent style. They also appreciate her light-hearted sense of humor.

In addition to being a coach, Courtney also manages the 360 Review program at Reboot.

Prior to coaching, Courtney worked for 15 years in the fields of technology and sports marketing and has held leadership roles at various startups. Her strong understanding of corporate dynamics allows her to coach leaders within challenging, fast-paced environments.

Courtney is originally from California, attended UCLA, and currently lives in the East Bay Area. In her spare time, she is an avid sports fan, a runner/hiker, and loves to spend time outdoors. Her two kids keep her very busy. She has a passion for all things music — attending countless shows and also more recently playing guitar, singing, and performing at local venues.

“Helping others find the opportunity – for joy, excitement, beauty – and growth within the wild roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship fuels my passion for this work. After all, the goal isn’t to avoid the bumps, it’s to keep our eyes open and our hands up.”

Dan Putt is a coach, entrepreneur, and co-founder of With well over a decade of experience guiding founders, CEOs, and executives, Dan’s work is rooted in the belief that true leadership begins with aligning actions to core values and vision.

As a seven-time founder, Dan’s unique gift lies in his ability to see patterns across both business and personal domains, asking laser-guided questions that help leaders uncover their blind spots and unlock new possibilities. Drawing from his experience as both an entrepreneur and coach, he helps clients translate personal insights into business advantage and business lessons into personal growth. His approach combines deep empathy with practical strategy, helping leaders build the inner resources and outer systems needed for sustainable success.

He believes leadership is a full-spectrum journey, one that integrates personal growth with professional success because when we lead from our true selves, both flourish.

With ICF-certified training, NLP training, a decade of working with and supporting other coaches, and over 20 years of ongoing self-inquiry, Dan’s approach is shaped by deep professional expertise and a lifelong commitment to personal growth. His compassionate yet practical approach helps leaders confront their biggest challenges, enabling them to make courageous decisions and create lasting, meaningful change in their organizations and their lives.

After growing up in Ohio and spending over a decade in New York City, Dan now lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his incredible wife (An entrepreneur as well) and their three daughters.

“The best way to overcome the inevitable loneliness of life at the top may be to connect and mindfully attend to the process that’s already underway – the unconscious sharing that undergirds every relationship.”

Leadership through radical self-inquiry. This is the driving idea behind the work of Jerry Colonna. For over two decades, he has been dedicated to the proposition that work should be non-violent to the self, non-violent to the community, and non-violent to the planet. 

Jerry is a coach, writer, and speaker who focuses on leadership, business, and the practice of radical self-inquiry. He is the Co-founder and CEO of, a company born from the rallying cry that work does not have to destroy us. Work can be the way in which we achieve our fullest self.

For a More Formal Bio, click here.

A graduate of Queens College, Jerry helps people lead with humanity and equanimity. His unique blend of Buddhism, Jungian therapy, and entrepreneurial know-how has made him a sought-after coach and leader, working with some of the largest firms in the country.

In his work as a coach, he draws on his experience in Venture Capital (VC) as Co-founder of Flatiron Partners, one of the most successful, early-stage investment programs. Later, he was a partner with J.P. Morgan Partners (JPMP), the private equity arm of J.P. Morgan Chase.

As a partner with J.P. Morgan Chase, Jerry launched the Financial Recovery Fund with The Partnership for the City of New York, a $10 million-plus program aimed at creating grants for small businesses impacted by the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Along with a strong commitment to the nonprofit sector, Jerry is the author of two books: REBOOT: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up (2019) and REUNION: Leadership and the Longing to Belong.

Reboot was met with critical acclaim, stirring up a big question in the hearts and minds of people: “How have I been complicit in creating the conditions I say I don’t want?” Jerry’s second book builds on this question, asking us what benefit we get from the conditions we say we don’t want.

Jerry is astounded by the fact that he lives on a farm outside of Boulder, CO near the foothills of the Rockies, and far from the streets of Brooklyn where he was born and raised. He is the father of three amazing humans, each of whom cares deeply about the love, safety, and belonging of others.

“Leadership is an artistic enterprise, creating balance between structure, improvisation, and imagination. The end result is value creation, and to get there leaders must navigate the needs and wants of many stakeholders. The key is for leaders to understand, fundamentally, what kind of value they are creating. What is their intention? From that place of clarity and groundedness, the leader can flourish and make art that has true value.”

As an executive coach, entrepreneur, and musician, Ray helps leaders orchestrate possibility. He works with those who sense there’s a deeper way to grow their organizations—one that honors strategic precision and creative freedom.

Drawing on his experience in systems thinking, entrepreneurship, and performance, Ray helps leaders recognize and strengthen the patterns that make their organizations uniquely valuable. His approach combines artistic sensibility with practical business acumen, demonstrated through his role as CEO and co-founder of an award-winning brand experience company. There, he helped global leaders like Apple, Google, Nike, and Pepsi find their authentic voice through music and sound, learning firsthand how organizations can maintain creative vitality while scaling.

“Our lives are tapestries – intertwined threads that run through our businesses, organizations, and lives. We can allow them to unfold haphazardly or shape and weave them. When we see that our ways of leading or being are not working well for us or the people around us, our tapestry is just not ready for framing. Change and adjustment is more in our hands than we might think. The most powerful tools we can access and sharpen are already within.”

As a coach Marty draws on his intertwined experience – the good, bad, and the ugly, in the context of his thorough coach training and practice – Newfield Networks and ICF Professional Certified Coach, decades dedicated to disciplines of mindfulness, awareness, and inquiry (Jewish and Buddhist), and the school of hard knocks. Marty’s dominant threads include wide-ranging experience as a serial entrepreneur, business, and organizational builder in every type and stage from bootstrapped to publicly traded, for-profit, not-for-profit, and social enterprise, and in demanding seats including founder, CEO, senior executive, board member, and partner.

Marty realizes that his most valuable learning likely came from his biggest ‘almost’ successes including one flaming failure. He’s also prioritized the thread of social engagement and impact in all his ventures. But central to all is still the thread of family, community, and friendships.

“Our otherness is a key that can unlock a doorway of compassion. If you walk through this doorway you will find powerful self-leadership.”

Virginia coaches leaders to bring more of themselves to every situation leadership demands.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in software engineering from Virginia Tech and has been building companies ever since. A three-time founder, Virginia’s executive experience spans software to brick and mortar retail. She is a certified coach and uses the breadth of her experience to help her clients creatively confront the challenge of inhabiting the crucible of leadership. 

Her identity plays no small part in her coaching, and she believes a leader’s identity has a big part to play in their leadership. She coaches from the belief that our deeply personal inner work is our leadership foundation. She supports leaders building increasingly supportive organizations for underrepresented people.

After building companies in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Virginia is coaching and living with her family in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina.